Add a button next to search button

hello, is there any way to Add a button next to search button?thanks in advance

You may use in Startup Script of the page.

Can you post a working example?If I want ad a button that once pressed open in a target _blank the link, how can achieve this?

something like thisnote: not complete codechange the checkbox to the control type you needPHP: (server side)

<?php $copyToBtn = "<label>Copy To Mailing Address <inp type=\"checkbox\" id=\"x_check_copyTo\"> <span class=\"checkmark\"></span></label>"; ?>

JavaScript: (client side)

$("inp#x_YOUR_ITEM").after('<?php echo $copyToBtn ?>');


I need a button right after Search or Filter button that call another list page of application.
An example would be great hear.


If you just want to call another list page of application, then you don’t have to create button for such case. Just use Page_DataRendering server event to add a link to open that list page.

thank you.
This has done the job.
