change filename export (v2018)

Hi Siri want to askhow to change file name export (pdf or doc)example default filename if i click the export button “name_table.pdf” or "name_table.doc"i want like this : “fullname_name_table.pdf” fullname get from field fullnameplease help me

You may change the global variable $ExportFileName (assume you use v2020).

thanks sir for replyi’m using v2018, in version2018 how change the name of the export file sir?thanks before

i’m stuck for change filename if user click button exporti try this tutorial : put this code on table-specific > view_page > page_load// Page Load event
function Page_Load() {
$rs = ew_LoadRecordset(‘SELECT field1,field2 FROM table_name’);
$GLOBALS[“gsExportFile”] = $rs->fields[0].“+”.$rs->fields[1];
}but not works, filename still default filenameplease help methanks before

creat015 wrote:
but not works, filename still default filenameJust enable the Debug mode, and post the error message for more discussion.

thanks sir for helpi try to active the debug, and this the result :0.018847: (mysqli): SET NAMES ‘utf8’. Error: (0)0.020916: (mysqli): SELECT field1, field2 FROM table_name. Error: (0)0.021815: (mysqli): SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE id field = 2. Error: (0)still not fixed, help me please

Are you sure your SELECT SQL will return the valid value? In other words, is “table_name” has record inside?

mobhar wrote:
Are you sure your SELECT SQL will return the valid value? In other words,
is “table_name” has record inside?thanks sir for reply, sorry late respondi found the problem// Custom export
var $ExportPdfCustom = FALSE; (not error filename export can change, but my customTemplate pdf is missing)if i set to
var $ExportPdfCustom = TRUE; (this error the filename still mytableview.pdf)so, how to set var $ExportPdfCustom = TRUE; but filename export can change and customTemplate pdf can show not missingplease help me sirthanks before