Editing in view not showing some fields

I have a master table (Claims) with a detail table (Names). This master table has some fields that are also connected to some other tables as “lookup tables”, from where we can choose, for example, from a dropwdown, the “type of claim”.
I’ve created a query/database view where I list some of the field from both the master and detail pages, including those “lookup fields”.
I would like to be able to edit those records, but when I use the “edit” functionality from the view table, it doesn’t show me those lookup tables and when I try to activate the edit function for them it says “field not updatable”.Any thoughts?
Thank you in advance.

Please do searching for “UpdateTable” keyword in this forum. That will discuss about how to update record that involves more than one table.

How about advanced search? Those fields although appear in the advanced search page, always return “no records found”