after generation compiling project.scss i have an error cannot open file project.css anything i can do to fix this error, i am using phpmaker v2022.12.2
That means the .scss file cannot be compiled to .css successfully. If you use special characters (e.g. font name, user styles, comments, etc.), make sure it is in unicode.
i am using the lastest version of PHPMaker and no i did not add any css changes
Make sure you have already selected one of the available themes in Theme directive under HTML → Theme, after that, re-generate ALL the script files again.
I am using the yellow one, i try to change it and got the same error. The error is showing on all projects each project show the same error “project_name.css”
Make sure you have write permission to the ‘\css’ folder. After generation, PHPMaker will compile the ew.scss (in the template) to .css. Don’t use virtual folders (e.g. OneDrive, Google Drive, etc.). Generate your project to a normal physical folder (e.g. D:\mysite\ or \mysite). If you use virtual machine, make sure the Windows user (in virtual machine) has write permission to the actual output folder.You may also try run PHPMaker as administrator to make sure you have better write permissions.
i am using it on windows so no permission needed and i also run it as administrator same issue on all projects
Make sure you have already chosen Run as administrator when you are installing PHPMaker. If you are not sure, you may uninstall, then re-install again.
I did uninstall and then install as administrator and i create a new project and it gave same error this is weird all project were working fine but today they are not i update composer to newest version and then this happened does this make any sense ?Also i notice something weird i found this .sass-T7yfsjYj in C:\Users\PC\AppData\Roaming\PHPMaker2022\node_modules what is it and why it contain weird characters
Aref wrote:
i update composer to newest version and then this happened
You may try update Composer to the latest (v2.3.10 as of today).
Also i notice something weird i found this .sass-T7yfsjYj in C:\Users\PC\AppData\Roaming\PHPMaker2022\node_modules
There should no such file (which suggests something wrong on your system). Normally you should only find .package-lock.json. You may try delete the whole “node_modules” folder and run “nom update” at “C:\Users\PC\AppData\Roaming\PHPMaker2022” to install the node modules again.
Thanks it did work i delete node_modules and run “npm update” and all worked as charm thanks a lot
So it seems that your node modules are corrupted or out-dated.