Graphs - vertical axis starts at the lowest value

I noticed that my graphs does not start at “0” (zero), but rather at the lowest value. If the lowest value is 4 of lets say 3 bars (in a bar chart), then it display the x-axis label but no bar (to the value of 4), the vertical axis starts at 4 (let say the other bars are 7 and 12 respectively, then those bars will show/display). How can I make it start at zero in order to display the bar (with value of 4)?

See To change chart options, you may see the example in the topic “Server Events and Client Scripts” > “Table-Specific → Summary Report” > “Client Script” in the help file.

Thank you Arbei, but still no joy. I have tried the example, and that is working fine, but I’m confused as to how to implement:
options: {
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
beginAtZero: true