Place the following code in client script > List Page > Startup Script (v2022)
$( "<img id='resizecolumn' src='phpimages/shrinkh.gif' title='Right Click on column header to hide or show columns'>" ).insertBefore( ".ew-message-dialog.d-none" );
// Toggle the image
if ($("#resizecolumn").attr("src")=="phpimages/shrinkh.gif") { // You may put the images into any folder
else {
// Toggle columns
let thetable=$(this).parents("table");
let colheader = thetable.find("tr:first th");
let namestohide =["columnNametoHide1","columnNametoHide2","columnNametoHide3","columnNametoHide4","columnNametoHide5"]
for (let names of namestohide) {
if ($(this).text().indexOf(names)!=-1){
I tried your code using demo2022 project in orders table for List Page, and I put the code in Startup Script of the List page as follows:
$( "<img id='resizecolumn' src='images/shrinkh.png' title='Right Click on column header to hide or show columns'>" ).insertBefore( ".ew-message-dialog.d-none" );
// Toggle the image
if ($("#resizecolumn").attr("src")=="images/shrinkh.png") {
else {
// Toggle columns
let thetable=$(this).parents("table");
let colheader = thetable.find("tr:first th");
let namestohide =["OrderID","CustomerID"];
for (let names of namestohide) {
if ($(this).text().indexOf(names)!=-1){
Unfortunately, it does not work properly. No Javascript error message.
After right-clicking on OrderDate column, then the images are toggling as expected, but that OrderDate column does not hide. It always shows.Thoughts?