Right Click on column header to hide or show columns

Place the following code in client script > List Page > Startup Script (v2022)

$( "<img id='resizecolumn' src='phpimages/shrinkh.gif' title='Right Click on column header to hide or show columns'>" ).insertBefore( ".ew-message-dialog.d-none" );

// Toggle the image
    if ($("#resizecolumn").attr("src")=="phpimages/shrinkh.gif") { // You may put the images into any folder
    else {
// Toggle columns 
    let thetable=$(this).parents("table");
    let colheader = thetable.find("tr:first th");
    let namestohide =["columnNametoHide1","columnNametoHide2","columnNametoHide3","columnNametoHide4","columnNametoHide5"]
        for (let names of namestohide) {
            if ($(this).text().indexOf(names)!=-1){

I tried your code using demo2022 project in orders table for List Page, and I put the code in Startup Script of the List page as follows:

$( "<img id='resizecolumn' src='images/shrinkh.png' title='Right Click on column header to hide or show columns'>" ).insertBefore( ".ew-message-dialog.d-none" );

// Toggle the image
    if ($("#resizecolumn").attr("src")=="images/shrinkh.png") {
    else {
// Toggle columns 
    let thetable=$(this).parents("table");
    let colheader = thetable.find("tr:first th");
    let namestohide =["OrderID","CustomerID"];
        for (let names of namestohide) {
            if ($(this).text().indexOf(names)!=-1){

Unfortunately, it does not work properly. No Javascript error message.

After right-clicking on OrderDate column, then the images are toggling as expected, but that OrderDate column does not hide. It always shows.Thoughts?

namestohide is the text description of the column

If you change the following line to
let namestohide =[“Order ID”,“Customer ID”];it works.


Thanks for the info. Now it works.