Row_Updating is executed even without data changed?

hi,i put some code into the function Row_Updating (tiny code like : $rsnew[‘data_date’]=CurrentDateTime(); ).
i discover that the function is executed for ALL the rows when you activate the grid edit feature even when i do not alter a row !
example : you display 10 records in the list, you activate the grid edit and change only ONE value in ONE record, then phpmaker executed the Row_Updating function for all the line !as i put a field (data_date) to keep a timestamp on each update record, phpmaker put the same date into it whereas i change one it normal ?of course, in classic edic form view, this behaviour does not append, phpmaker only executes the function for the edited record.Best regards

Row_Updating is fired whenever the user submit the form.

amiens80 wrote:
is it normal ?Yes, it is.

"Row_Updating is fired whenever the user submit the form."i know, but it is fire for all the line in grid-edit ?
if i have 500 record display and only changed one, there is 499 server query which are useless…
at least, phpmaker could keep in memory the id of the rows (records) i clicked (or i edited) to build the query for the server…

The closest approach for your case is by using Inline-Edit. Do not use Grid-Edit for such case.