When we use Lookup Table, we cannot have the information of the existing Fields in Lookup_Selecting to filter the information based on them…
For example, we want to have a “Lookup Table” in the “Detail” section, so that every time we enter information from it, that value will not be displayed in the Lookup of other rows…
Or other cases…
// file :"ew.js"
_proto.generateRequest = function generateRequest() {
var _data$ajax;
var data = Object.assign({}, this.data, {
name: this.element.name,
page: this.list.page,
field: this.list.field,
language: ew.LANGUAGE_ID
}, ew.getUserParams("#p_" + this.elementId, this.formElement));
(_data$ajax = data.ajax) != null ? _data$ajax : data.ajax = this.action;
if (this.parentFields.length > 0) this.parentFields.forEach((pf, i) => data["v" + (i + 1)] = ew.getOptionValue(pf, this.formElement));
return data;
The above function sends the Field data to the “Lookup” . Adding the following code before “return data;” can send the entire value with “allelement” to if needed.
// ...
data['allelement'] = encodeURIComponent($(this.element.form).serialize())
return data;
Can you suggest another way to do this?