Add Custom Link/button On Detail Grid Rows

Hi All,I would like to add a custom button /link on the detail rows of a master-detail form. I have used the code below but the link isn’t rendered

  1. Server_Events->Table-Specific->Detail Grid Page->LisOptions_Load

$opt = &$this->ListOptions->Add(“line_del”);
$opt->OnLeft = TRUE;

  1. Server_Events->Table-Specific->Detail Grid Page->LisOptions_Rendered

$this->ListOptions->Items[“line_del”]->Body = “ ”;Please help

Make sure you add your events for the detail table (not master table).

arbei wrote:
Make sure you add your events for the detail table (not master table).Hi,Thanks. I have tried the code on both the master table and detail table to no avail.Any other suggestion?