Auto-check for generating pages

Please add an feature that is auto-checking the pages for generating.Example:If I open the menu-editor and change something, it is necessary that I generate the ewmenu.php next time. The same is, when an event was added or a field in a table gets a new setup.

Each time something is changed, the related item should automatically checked for generation.

I would love to have this feature too. It slows down my workflow.Change a setting → Switch to Generate tab, Click Generate → Switch to browser, RefreshWith an auto generating feature, it will become
Change a setting → Switch to browser, Refresh

I’m the third to vote for this. :-)This is called with “Generate only the related changes” option. PHPMaker should be able to detect the changes in the project, and then only generate the related script files for that changes only.

+1 for this feautre

+1 for “Generate only the related changes”.Along with this, outputting a report (like when we sync schema) would also important. This way we can upload into prod server only related files that have changed.

+1 for this

+1 for this
save loads of time
