Hi! I am working to rebuild some of our applications in PHMaker 2020.
I’d need some guided support to understand how to manage these 2 cases.
- Autoupdate user/datetime fields importing CSV
- Given a 4 colums table (FieldA, FieldB, DateTime, User)
- Importing a 2 colums CSV (FieldA, FieldB)
- I’d need the DateTime column to be automatically updated
// I tried setting the field with a CurrentDateTime() auto-update value but it didn’t work - I’d need the User column to be automatically updated
// I tried setting the field with a CurrentUserName()/CurrentUserID() auto-update value but it didn’t work
- Datetime format conversion importing CSV
- Given a 4 colums table (FieldA, FieldB, DateTime, User)
- Importing a 2 colums CSV (FieldA, DateTime)
- I’d need the DateTime column to be automatically converted from DD/MM/YYYY format
// I thought that locale setting would have auomatically managed this case but it didn’t work
Thanks for your help!