Barcode not working

Barcode does not work There is no barcode image displayed at all.

You need to post sufficient info, e.g.

  1. What version of PHPMaker you using?
  2. What is your settings for the Barcode Custom View Tag?
  3. What is the error message? You may enable Debug and check errors in the log file.

You need to post sufficient info, e.g.What version of PHPMaker you using?

  • PHPMaker 19.10.1

What is your settings for the Barcode Custom View Tag?

  • In version 19.9.5 is still working normally But when updating the version and not working

What is the error message? You may enable Debug and check errors in the log file.

  • no error in log file.

Test by url “https://domain/barcode?data=22AACE9E-B19F-11ED-8B75-D8BBC174278C&encode=CODE128&height=60&color=%23000000&text=1” not work

I have tested with v2023.10 and your URL works fine. You may want to generate all scripts again.arbei wrote:

What is your settings for the Barcode Custom View Tag?

Double check and make sure valid settings exists (or the “barcode” action is not generated).

{“name”:“@phpmaker/phpbarcode”,“height”:60,“height_field”:null,“barcode”:null,“barcode_field”:“StockBarCode”,“encode”:“CODE128”,“encode_field”:null,“text”:true}Viewtag Image

Looks OK.totza2010 wrote:


Does your site have base path (e.g. https://domain/basepath/)?Press F12 in your browser, go the the Network panel, check HTTP response for the request to the barcode action.

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property PHPMaker2023\Stock2023ULIDlocalhost\Barcode::$TableClass is deprecated in C:\wamp64\www\Stock\models\Barcode.php on line 125in Barcode.php → Undefined property ‘$TableClass’.intelephense(1014)

It is due to PHP 8.2, Usage of dynamic properties is deprecated.

Ah, I use the PHP version 8.2.