Call to undefined function PHPThumb\imagecreatefromstring()

Hey all -

I am pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to designate an upload folder for images. Here is what I have

project folder is “D:\my project\project 1\phpcms” phpcms is where my files for the output go
IIS Folder for website is "D:\my project\project 1"
Folder for images is “D:\my project\project 1\images”

so in a browser images would be & the PHPMaker output would be designate the Upload Folder in the table/column in PHPMaker I tried…“…/images/”
'…/images/'and a couple other combinations. Each time I generate the files and go to the CMS I get an error “Error - An internal error has occurred while processing your request.” OR I get "File Not Found"I do have a “uploads/” (sans quotes) in the PHP > General Options > Upload folder as described in the docs. I tried a couple combinations of that tooAny help would be super-appreciated.Greg

  1. With your folder structure only the first (i.e. “…/images/”) and the last is correct, see Edit Tag → File → Upload folder.
  2. You probably have simple error such as disallowed file extension, you may follow Enable Debug and find out the actual error.

thanks for the tip. I enabled the debug and this was the errorD:\projects\cmsphp1\vendor\hkvstore\phpthumb\src\PHPThumb\GD.php(93): Call to undefined function PHPThumb\imagecreatefromstring()Is there something in my php.ini that I need to enable?G

You have not installed PHP’s gd extension, read Composer.

Thank you, that seemed to do the trick.