Hi all, I’m having problems with the import functionality of phpmaker 2023, nothing happens when I try to import the data. I have read all the important notes in https://phpmaker.dev/docs/#/import.html
This is what I find in the log file after i try to import:
[2022-12-23T11:57:48.865527+00:00] log.DEBUG: 404 Not Found Type: Slim\Exception\HttpNotFoundException Code: 404 Message: Route 'images/pdf_.png' not found. File: /var/www/applocalitest/src/routes.php Line: 845 Trace:
#0 /var/www/applocalitest/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Handlers/Strategies/RequestResponse.php(38): Closure->PHPMaker2023\AppLocali_ldap_06_2023\{closure}()
#1 /var/www/applocalitest/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Routing/Route.php(358): Slim\Handlers\Strategies\RequestResponse->__invoke()
#2 /var/www/applocalitest/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/MiddlewareDispatcher.php(65): Slim\Routing\Route->handle()
The error was Route “images/pdf_.png” not found. It is not related to import.Make sure you have enabled the Debug and the related settings.Also press F12 to check JavaScript errors in the Console panel.
Debugging reports no errors. When I upload a file, I see that the script uploads the file to the temp folder and it is created successfully. The upload progress indicator goes all the way to the end and then goes back. All logs report nothing.
I tried to do an import with a simple table with two fields, but the result is always the same.
What am I doing wrong ?
Note that you may check HTTP response to see the import result of each record with success or error message. The results are under the Network → EventStream panel.
Thanks for the answer, this is what i get:
Id: empty
Type: complete
Data:{“filetoken”:“65038839”,“files”:,“failCount”:0,“success”:true,“rollbacked”:true}The problem is that the script is not prompting for any record to import…Ciao
The result has a file token but there is no files. Make sure you have set your global file upload folder (and the folder exists) and granted write permission to the web server user (so you can upload the file to the folder).
Hi, the global upload folder exists and it is writable, in fact I can see that, after uploading, a temp__72126871 folder is created with the file I uploaded inside.
What else can i check ?
Note that you may > check HTTP response > to see the import result of each record with success or error message. The results are under the > Network > → > EventStream > panel.
What did you see in the EventStream panel? Note that there is a tab named “EventStream” (next to the “Headers” tab) under Chrome’s “Network” tab.
In the event stream TAB i find 4 columns:
id, Type, data, Time
ID is null
Type: complete
data: {“filetoken”:“98850841”,“files”:,“failCount”:0,“success”:true,“rollbacked”:true}
Time: the time in hour, minutes and seconds
The “files” are empty, which means no files are imported. Are you sure you upload .csv or .xls or .xlsx? Other file types are not supported. Make sure the files can be opened in Excel.
I am really sure that i am importing cvs (this extension is among those allowed by the program) , i tried also with xls, both of them can be opened and read.
What can also be done ?
Did you check the PHP (not PHPMaker) error log file as specified in your php.ini? (Read Debug again for details.)
If still no errors, I don’t think there is sufficient info in this topic for diagnosing the problem. If you are a registered user, you better send required files to support for testing.