How possible it is to hide just one menu item in a dropdown list based on a userlevel? For example, if I have a dropdown with items: New York, Washington and Florida and i wish to hide Florida based on a userlevel, how could that be done?
If the dropdown options are from a lookup table, you may add filter to the lookup table, see the topic Lookup Table in the help file. The current user level is CurrentUserLevel().
The dropdown is not from a lookup table. It is hardcoded with values and labels typed in phpmaker.
Then you may use JavaScript (e.g. in the client side Client Script) to change the options which are stored as JavaScript object (press F12 to check the HTML source), e.g. if the table is “cars”,
console.log(fcarsadd.Lists["x_myfield"].options); // Assume Add page, see the options
// your code to remove an item from the array, see, e.g
fcarsadd.Lists["x_myfield"].options.splice(2, 1);
How to set condition of group user id based drop-down list showing with selection.Example :
2 user groups like group1 and group2
And drop-down selection list are A,B,C,D
How to set condition for set selection variable group1 show A&B AND hide C,D in lookup selection
guoup2 show C,D and Hide A& B in selection on lookup selection list
Please help me of this condition.Advance thanks
Please follow Tutorial - Dynamic Selection List.
I am new phpmaker please help or share data rendered function
Even you are new in PHPMaker, you should be able to implement it if you follow the tutorial carefully.