Converting a list page field to a text input field

I am using PHPMaker latest releasei have a custom field in the database view called “Qty” .
what i want to do is this field (Qty) to appear as a text input field in the “list page”.This is what i was able to understand from the help file, but this is not working.// Row Rendered event
function Row_Rendered() {
if ($this->PageID == “list” || $this->PageID == “view”) {
$this->Qty->ViewAttrs[“class”] = “input name=‘Qty’ id=‘Qty’”;
}Could you please help me to do this.

You should use “ListOptions_Load” and “ListOptions_Rendered” server events instead of using Custom Field, in order to display the Textbox control in your List page.

Please read “Server Events and Client Scripts” topic from PHPMaker Help menu for more info and example.

apis wrote:
$this->Qty->ViewAttrs[“class”] = "input name='Qty’ViewAttrs[“class”] is CSS class of the span or div tag of field, your code cannot change the tag to input. You may use Custom View Tag, see the topic Field Setup > Custom View Tag in the help file.

Thank youGot it done in custom View tag, but now the issue is in the CustomAction_Row event that field is not considered, but all other field of the same CustomAction_Row event works is code:// Row Custom Action event
function Row_CustomAction($action, $row) {$myResult = Execute(“INSERT INTO salesorders (Customer, Code, Details, Price, Qty, KitchenID, OrderID)
VALUES('” . $row[“UsersID”] . “', '” . $row[“Code”] . “', '” . $row[“Details”].“', '” . $row[“Price”].“', '” . $row[“Qty”].“', '” . $row[“UsersID”].“', ‘$ses’)”);this is the field field i have used in the " custom view tag "
‘" . $row[“Qty”]."’ ----- ()you comment is highly appreciated
Thank you