converting v2020 custom files to v2021

May I ask you convert the following code to 2021 version. (custom file without common files)

namespace PHPMaker2020\PTINFO;
// Autoload
include_once "autoload.php";
// Session
if (session_status() !== PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE)
	\Delight\Cookie\Session::start(Config("COOKIE_SAMESITE")); // Init session data
// Output buffering
global $Language, $CurrentLanguage;
		if (!isset($Language))
			$Language = new Language();
if (!defined("KimiaPT") OR !isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])):
  header('Location: noaccess.php');
$myResult = Execute("INSERT INTO exchat (User, PatientID, Message, PostDate) VALUES ('".CurrentUserID()."', '".$_POST['PatientID']."', '".$_POST['comment']."','".CurrentJDateTime()."')");
switch ($myResult) {
	  case false:
	  echo "<i class=\"fas fa-exclamation-triangle fa-3x text-danger\"></i>";
	  return FALSE;
	  case true:
	  $Res = ExecuteRow("SELECT * FROM patients WHERE PatientID = '".$_POST['PatientID']."'");
	  //Sending Email
	  $email = new Email();
	  $email->replaceSender(Config("SENDER_EMAIL")); // Replace Sender
	  $email->replaceRecipient($Res['EmailAddress']); // Replace Recipient
	  $email->replaceContent('<!--$Response-->', $_POST['comment']);
	  $emailSent = $email->send();
	  echo "<i class=\"far fa-check-circle fa-3x text-success\"></i> $msg";
	  return TRUE;	  	  


Although this following post will not answer your question a hundred percent, but perhaps it might help you to start converting from v2020 to v2021:

Since you want to post data to a page to send email, with v2021 it is better to use Route_Action server event instead, see Server Events and Client Scripts in the help file and:

Thank you for answer.
I can access my custom page with following address:
http://site/mypage?PageID=5Is there any way to access the page with following URL instead?
http://site/mypage/5how can I access the get parameter inside the custom page ?
echo $_GET[“PageID”];thank you

mansour wrote:

Is there any way to access the page with following URL instead?

That is why I suggested Route_Action server event above.

I tried it many times.

     $app->options('/mypages/{PageID}', function ($request, $response, array $args) {
     $myRow = ExecuteRow("SELECT pages.*, pagetype.PageType as PgType FROM pages join pagetype on pages.PageType = pagetype.TypeID WHERE pages.PID = " . 
   AdjustSql($args['PID'])); // Get book info by $args['id'], here assume id is integer
     $response->getBody()->write($myRow); // Write to response body
     return $response; // Return the response

Normally I should visit my page like this:
http//site/mypages/5Isn’t it ?

mansour wrote:

$app->options(‘/mypages/{PageID}’, function ($request, $response, array $args) {

You should use $app->get() (for HTTP GET) or $app->post() (for HTTP POST), read:

I tested with Route_Action . It prints a field value instead of my entire page.
I want to print the entire page. Following is my entire pedrapages.php file.
I want to access a page with static URL: e.g. I want to visit : http://site/pedrapages/1 instead of http://site/pedrapages?PID=1

$myRow = ExecuteRow("SELECT pages.*, pagetype.PageType as PgType FROM pages join pagetype on pages.PageType = pagetype.TypeID WHERE pages.PID = '".RemoveHtml($_GET['PID'])."'");
if (IsLoggedIn()){
$uid = CurrentUserID();
$allowed = ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(PID) FROM pages WHERE PID = '".$_GET['PID']."' AND FIND_IN_SET($uid,AllowedUsers)");
$levelid = CurrentUserLevel();
$AllowedGroups = ExecuteScalar("SELECT AllowedGroups FROM pages WHERE PID = '".$_GET['PID']."'");
$allowedgrp = ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(PID) FROM pages WHERE PID = '".$_GET['PID']."' AND FIND_IN_SET($levelid,AllowedGroups)");
<!-- Flickity HTML init -->
<div class="carousel mb-4" id="pedra">
			  $config = new SiteConfig;
			  $topcardnum = $config->HomeTopCards;
			  $sSqlWrk = "SELECT * FROM cards WHERE CardType = 'P' AND FIND_IN_SET(".$_GET['PID'].",PagesID) AND IsActive = 'Y' AND CardPlace = 'T' AND flickity = 'Y' ORDER BY ID ASC";
			  $all_rows = ExecuteRows($sSqlWrk);
			  if(is_array($all_rows) || is_object($all_rows)){
			  foreach($all_rows as $a_row){ 
			  echo "<div class=\"carousel-cell\">";
			  if ($a_row['ShowRibon'] == 'Y'){
			  echo "<div class=\"ribbon-wrapper\">";
			  echo "<div class=\"ribbon bg-".$a_row['RibbonClass']."\">".$a_row['RibbonText']."</div></div>";
			  echo "<h6 class=\"useTitr text-light text-center p-2 mb-2\">".$a_row['CardTitle']."</h6>";
			  echo "<img class=\"card-img-top img-fluid\" src=\"cards/".$a_row['CardPhoto']."\" alt=\"".$a_row['CardTitle']."\" title=\"".$a_row['CardTitle']."\">";
  			  echo "<div class=\"carousel-caption d-none d-md-block mb-3\"><h5>".$a_row['CardTitle']."</h5><p>".RemoveHtml($a_row['CardText'])."</p></div>";
  			  echo "<div class=\"card-footer text-center mb-1\">";
			  echo "<button target=\"_self\" url=\"".$a_row['CardLink']."\" class=\"btn btn-".$a_row['CardClass']." links float-right\">".$a_row['LinkTitle']."</button>";
			  echo "</div></div>";
<!-- Flickity HTML End -->
<div class="card-deck">
			  $config = new SiteConfig;
			  $topcardnum = $config->PagesTopCards;
			  $sSqlWrk = "SELECT * FROM cards WHERE CardType = 'P' AND FIND_IN_SET(".$_GET['PID'].",PagesID) AND IsActive = 'Y' AND CardPlace = 'T' AND flickity = 'N' ORDER BY rand() LIMIT $topcardnum";
			  $all_rows = ExecuteRows($sSqlWrk);
			  if(is_array($all_rows) || is_object($all_rows)){
			  foreach($all_rows as $a_row){  
			  echo "<div class=\"card card-widget shadow rounded\">";
			  echo "<img class=\"card-img-top\" src=\"cards/".$a_row['CardPhoto']."\" alt=\"".$a_row['CardTitle']."\" title=\"".$a_row['CardTitle']."\">";
			  echo "<blockquote class=\"quote-".$a_row['CardClass']."\">";
			  echo "<h4 class=\"text-".$a_row['CardClass']." useTitr\">".$a_row['CardTitle']."</h4>";
			  echo "<p>";
			  echo $a_row['CardText'];
			  echo "</p>";
			  echo "</blockquote>";
			  echo "<div class=\"card-footer\">";
			  echo "<p class=\"card-text\"><small class=\"text-muted\"><a href=\"".$a_row['CardLink']."\" class=\"btn btn-".$a_row['CardClass']." btn-sm float-right\">".$a_row['LinkTitle']."</a></small></p>";
			  echo "</div>";
			  echo "</div>";
<!-- TOP CADS END -->
<div class="card mb-2 card-widget shadow rounded">
				  <blockquote class="quote-light">
				  <h5 class="text-success useTitr"><?php echo $myRow['PageTitle']; ?></h5>
                  <!-- PAGE TYPE HERE -->
				  <div class="card-header text-muted">
				  if ($myRow['IsFree'] == "N")
				  echo "<span class=\"float-right text-success\">قیمت:&nbsp;".$myRow['Price']."&nbsp;ریال <button class=\"btn btn-circle btn-default shadow mb-3\" id=\"PurchaseIT\" value=\"".$myRow['PID']."\" price=\"".$myRow['Price']."\"><i class=\"fas fa-cart-plus text-success fa-2x\"></i></button></span><br><br><span class=\"text-danger mb-3\" id=\"message\"></span>";
				  if (IsAdmin()){
				  <div class="card-tools">
				  <button type="button" url="pagesedit/<?php echo $myRow['PID']; ?>" target="_self" class="btn btn-tool links" data-toggle="tooltip" title="ویرایش">
				  <i class="fas fa-edit"></i></button>
				  <button type="button" url="pagesadd/<?php echo $myRow['PID']; ?>" target="_self" class="btn btn-tool links" data-toggle="tooltip" title="کپی">
				  <i class="fas fa-copy"></i></button>
				  <!-- /.card-tools -->
				  <!-- /.card-header -->
				  <div class="card-body">
case (!is_null($AllowedGroups) AND $AllowedGroups != "" AND $allowedgrp == 0 AND !IsAdmin()):
	echo "<div class=\"alert alert-warning\" role=\"alert\">
	  <h4 class=\"alert-heading useTitr\">عدم مجوز دسترسی</h4>
	  <p>دسترسی به محتوای این صفحه به گروه های کاربری خاصی محدود شده است.</p>
	  <p class=\"mb-0\">متاسفانه گروه کاربری فعلی شما در لیست گروه های مجاز نیست</p>
	  echo $myRow['SummaryText'];
case ($myRow['IsFree'] == "N" and !IsLoggedIn()):
	echo "<div class=\"alert alert-warning\" role=\"alert\">
	  <h4 class=\"alert-heading useTitr\">عدم مجوز دسترسی</h4>
	  <p>مشاهده متن این صفحه مستلزم ورود به سیستم و پرداخت هزینه مصوب است.</p>
	  <p class=\"mb-0\">برای پرداخت هزینه روی آیکون سبد خرید کلیک کنید.</p>
	echo $myRow['SummaryText'];
case ($myRow['IsFree'] == "N" and IsLoggedIn() AND $allowed == 0 AND !IsAdmin()):
echo "<div class=\"alert alert-warning\" role=\"alert\">
	  <h4 class=\"alert-heading useTitr\">عدم مجوز دسترسی</h4>
	  <p>کاربر گرامی برای مشاهده متن این صفحه لازم است هزینه مصوب را پرداخت نمائید.</p>
	  <p class=\"mb-0\">برای پرداخت هزینه روی آیکون سبد خرید کلیک کنید.</p>
	echo $myRow['SummaryText'];
   if ($myRow['TopTPL'] != ""){
   $tpl = new template();
	'PageTitle'    => $myRow['PageTitle']
   $paginate = new Pagebreak();
   //new pages photos
   echo "<span id=\"el_pages_RelatedPhotos\"><span>";
   echo GetFileViewTag($pages_view->RelatedPhotos, $pages_view->RelatedPhotos->getViewValue(), FALSE);
   echo "</span></span>";
   //end pages photos
   if ($myRow['BotTPL'] != ""){
   $tpl = new template();
	'PageTitle'    => $myRow['PageTitle']
   <!-- Footer Start-->
   <!-- Tags Start--> 
   <div class="btn-group">   
   if ($myRow['Tags'] <> ""){
   $array = explode('-', $myRow['Tags']);
   foreach($array as $value) {
   echo "<a class=\"btn btn-default btn-sm rounded\" href=\"listpages-kpt-".$_GET['PID']."-tag-$value.html\">".$value . PHP_EOL."</a>&nbsp;";
   <!-- Tags End-->
<div class="card-footer mt-3">
<!-- Go to to customize your tools --> <div class="addthis_inline_share_toolbox"></div>
<small class="float-right text-muted"> <strong>آخرین ویرایش:</strong> <?php echo $myRow['PostDate']; ?>  <strong>بازدید:</strong><?php echo $myRow['PageView']; ?></small>
<!-- Footer End-->
<!--- Printing Start --->
<button id="PrintList" class="btn btn-default btn-circle shadow rounded mt-3"><i class="fas fa-print"></i></button>
<div id="PrintArea" class="container" style="display: none;">
<table class="table">
<div class="text-secondary text-right useTitr"><img src="images/pedralogo.png" class="img-left"> <?php echo $myRow['PageTitle']; ?></div>
<p class="card-text">
echo str_replace("[more]","",$myRow['PageContent']);
<!-- Printing End --->
<!-- Footer End -->
</div><!-- CARD BODY END -->
</div><!-- PAGE CONTENT END -->
<!-- Flickity HTML init -->
<div class="carousel mb-4" id="pedra">
			  $config = new SiteConfig;
			  $topcardnum = $config->HomeTopCards;
			  $sSqlWrk = "SELECT * FROM cards WHERE CardType = 'P' AND FIND_IN_SET(".$_GET['PID'].",PagesID) AND IsActive = 'Y' AND CardPlace = 'B' AND flickity = 'Y' ORDER BY ID ASC";
			  $all_rows = ExecuteRows($sSqlWrk);
			  if(is_array($all_rows) || is_object($all_rows)){
			  foreach($all_rows as $a_row){ 
			  echo "<div class=\"carousel-cell\">";
			  if ($a_row['ShowRibon'] == 'Y'){
			  echo "<div class=\"ribbon-wrapper\">";
			  echo "<div class=\"ribbon bg-".$a_row['RibbonClass']."\">".$a_row['RibbonText']."</div></div>";
			  echo "<h6 class=\"useTitr text-light mb-2 p-2 text-center\">".$a_row['CardTitle']."</h6>";
			  echo "<img class=\"card-img-top img-fluid\" src=\"cards/".$a_row['CardPhoto']."\" alt=\"".$a_row['CardTitle']."\" title=\"".$a_row['CardTitle']."\">";
  			  echo "<div class=\"card-footer text-center mb-1\">";
			  echo "<button target=\"_self\" url=\"".$a_row['CardLink']."\" class=\"btn btn-".$a_row['CardClass']." links float-right\">".$a_row['LinkTitle']."</button>";
			  echo "</div></div>";
<!-- Flickity HTML End -->
			  <div class="card-deck">
			  $config = new SiteConfig;
			  $cardnum = $config->PagesBotCards;
			  $sSqlWrk = "SELECT * FROM cards WHERE CardType = 'P' AND FIND_IN_SET(".$_GET['PID'].",PagesID) AND IsActive = 'Y' AND CardPlace = 'B' AND flickity = 'N' ORDER BY rand() LIMIT $cardnum";
			  $all_rows = ExecuteRows($sSqlWrk);
			  if(is_array($all_rows) || is_object($all_rows)){
			  foreach($all_rows as $a_row){  
			  echo "<div class=\"card card-widget shadow rounded\">";
			  echo "<img class=\"card-img-top\" src=\"cards/".$a_row['CardPhoto']."\" alt=\"".$a_row['CardTitle']."\" title=\"".$a_row['CardTitle']."\">";
			  echo "<blockquote class=\"quote-".$a_row['CardClass']."\">";
			  echo "<h4 class=\"text-".$a_row['CardClass']." useTitr\">".$a_row['CardTitle']."</h4>";
			  echo "<p>";
			  echo $a_row['CardText'];
			  echo "</p>";
			  echo "</blockquote>";
			  echo "<div class=\"card-footer\">";
			  echo "<p class=\"card-text\"><small class=\"text-muted\"><a href=\"".$a_row['CardLink']."\" class=\"btn btn-".$a_row['CardClass']." btn-sm float-right\">".$a_row['LinkTitle']."</a></small></p>";
			  echo "</div>";
			  echo "</div>";
<!-- Comments Section-->
  if ($myRow['AllowComment'] == "Y"){
  $botclass = "";
  $textareadisabled = "";
  $botclass = "disabled";
  $textareadisabled = "disabled = disabled";
<div class="card mb-2 card-widget rounded">
				  <blockquote class="quote-danger">
				  <h3 class="text-info useTitr">شما چه فکر می کنید؟</h3>
				  <p><small>لطفا نظر خود را در خصوص این مطلب ثبت نمائید.</small></p>
				  <!-- /.card-header -->
<div class="card-body">
	  <input type="hidden" id="PageID" name="PageID" value="<?php echo $_GET['PID']; ?>"/>
	  <input type="hidden" name="CommentType" id="CommentType" value="Pages"/>
	  <input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo CurrentPage()->Token; ?>"/>
	  <div class="input-group input-group-sm mb-3">
	  <div class="input-group-append">
	  <div class="input-group-text"><span class="fas fa-user"></span></div>
	  <input type="text" class="form-control" size="30" id="SenderName" placeholder="نام و نام خانوادگی" <?php echo $botclass; ?>>
	  <div class="input-group input-group-sm mb-3">
	  <div class="input-group-append">
	  <div class="input-group-text">@</div>
	  <input type="email" class="form-control" size="30" id="SenderEmail" placeholder="آدرس ایمیل" <?php echo $botclass; ?>>
	  <div class="input-group input-group-sm mb-3">
	  <div class="input-group-append">
	  <div class="input-group-text"><span class="fas fa-tasks"></span></div>
	  <textarea class="form-control" name="comment" id="comment" placeholder="نظرتان را اینجا بنویسید" <?php echo $textareadisabled; ?> required></textarea>
	  <button id="sendform" class="btn btn-success btn-circle shadow rounded mb-3" <?php echo $botclass; ?>>ثبت نظر</button>
	  <div id="mybox" style="display: none;"></div> 
<!-- COMMENTS -->
<div class="card mb-2 card-widget rounded">
				  <div class="card-header text-muted">
				  <h3 class="card-title text-info useTitr text-center">دیدگاه کاربران</h3>
				  <!-- /.card-header -->
<div class="card-body">
	  $RecNo = ExecuteScalar("SELECT * FROM pagecomments WHERE PageID = '".$_GET['PID']."'");
	  switch ($RecNo){
	  case 0:
	  echo "<h5 class=\"text-warning\"><i class=\"fas fa-exclamation-triangle fa-2x text-warning\"></i> تاکنون برای این مطلب نظری ثبت نشده است</h5>";
	  $sSqlWrk = "SELECT * FROM pagecomments WHERE PageID = '".$_GET['PID']."' ORDER BY CommentID DESC";
	  echo "<div class=\"direct-chat-messages\" id=\"chats\">";
	  $all_rows = ExecuteRows($sSqlWrk);
	  if(is_array($all_rows) || is_object($all_rows)){
	  foreach($all_rows as $a_row){
	  echo "<div class=\"direct-chat-msg\"><div class=\"direct-chat-warning clearfix\"><span class=\"direct-chat-name float-left\"><a href=\"mailto:".$a_row['SenderEmail']."\">".$a_row['SenderName']."</a></span><span class=\"direct-chat-timestamp float-right\">".$a_row['PostDate']."</span></div><div class=\"direct-chat-text\">".$a_row['Comment']."</div></div>";  
	  echo "</div>";
<!-- Comments Section End-->
loadjs.ready("load", function() {
	  cellAlign: 'right',
	  wrapAround: true,
	  draggable: true,
	  rightToLeft: true,
	  pageDots: true,
	  contain: false
	  cellAlign: 'right',
	  wrapAround: true,
	  draggable: true,
	  rightToLeft: true,
	  pageDots: true,
	  contain: false
	  var link = $(this).attr("url");
	  var target = $(this).attr("target"); , target);		
	  // Print Page
	  $( "#PrintList" ).click(function() {
	  // Purchase Page
	  $(this).html("<i class=\"fas fa-spinner text-success fa-spin fa-2x\"></i>");
	  var pushedBtn = $(this);
	  var Page = $(this).val();
	  var Price = $(this).attr("price");
		type: "POST",
		url: "purchasepage.php",
		data: { 
		success: function(res) {
		pushedBtn.html("<i class=\"far fa-check-circle fa-2x text-success\"></i>");
		error: function(res) {
		pushedBtn.html("<i class=\"fas fa-cart-plus text-success fa-2x\"></i>");
	  $siteconf = new SiteConfig();
	  $sitedesc   = $siteconf->AppendTitle($myRow['PageTitle']);
	  $pagetitle = $myRow['PageTitle'];
	  $("#ew-page-caption").text("<?php echo $pagetitle; ?>");
	  $(this).attr("title", "<?php echo $sitedesc; ?>");
	  //check required fields
	  if($('#SenderName').val() == ''){
	  $( "#SenderName" ).focus();
	  $('#mybox').html("<div class=\"alert alert-warning\" role=\"alert\"><i class=\"fas fa-exclamation-triangle fa-5x text-danger\"></i> لطفا نام و نام خانوادگی خود را وارد کنید</div>");
	  if($('#SenderEmail').val() == ''){
	  $( "#SenderEmail" ).focus();
	  $('#mybox').html("<div class=\"alert alert-warning\" role=\"alert\"><i class=\"fas fa-exclamation-triangle fa-5x text-danger\"></i> آدرس ایمیل خود را وارد کنید</div>");
	  if($('#comment').val() == ''){
	  $( "#comment" ).focus();
	  $('#mybox').html("<div class=\"alert alert-warning\" role=\"alert\"><i class=\"fas fa-exclamation-triangle fa-5x text-danger\"></i> لطفا نظرتان را در فیلد مربوطه وارد کنید</div>");
	  var SenderName = $("#SenderName").val();
	  var SenderEmail = $("#SenderEmail").val();
	  var PageID = $("#PageID").val();
	  var Comment = $("#comment").val();
	  var CommentType = $("#CommentType").val();
	  url:"savecomment.php", //the page containing php script
	  data: { 
	  type: "POST", //request type

If you need to show HTML like a normal page, you use Custom File with Include common files.If you use Custom File, there is no route parameters, you may continue to use http://site/MyCustomFile?ID=2 and keep your code (e.g. $_GET[“ID”]) in the page.If you just need to return some result of an action (e.g. a value by ExecuteScalar() or a row by ExecuteRow()), it is better and simpler to use Route_Action server event, then you can define your parameters in the route and get the value in your code by $args[“xxx”] or Route(“xxx”).

Please take a look at the following code and tell me what’s wrong with my work.
1- I added a custom field to my AAA table.
2- I added the following code to my Row_Rendered server event for table AAA.

	$this->ViewButton->ViewValue = "<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-success m-1 shadow ViewButton\" data-patientid=\"".$this->PatientID->CurrentValue."\" data-doctorid=\"".$this->User->CurrentValue."\" data-patientname=\"".$this->PatientID->ViewValue."\" value=\"".$this->ID->CurrentValue."\"><i class=\"fas fa-check-double\"></i></button>";

3- I added the following code to the startup script for the view page (table AAA)

            	var pushedBtn = $(this);
        		var PatientID = $(this).data('patientid');
        		type: "GET",
        		cache: false,
        		url: "/test",
        		data: { 
        		success: function(res) {
        		error: function(res) {

4- I created a custom file (included common file) named as test.php and putted the following code inside it :

echo $_GET['PatientID'];

When I click on the BUTTON mentioned above I receive an error message as object.

{“readyState”:4,“responseText”:“\n\n404 Not Found\n\n

Not Found


The requested URL was not found on this server.

\nApache/2.4.46 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.1.1g PHP/7.2.33 Server at Port 80\n\n”,“status”:404,“statusText”:“Not Found”}What’s wrong? is there any other step to do ?Thanks

As explained:

If you need to show HTML like a normal page, you use Custom File with > Include common files> .
If you use Custom File, there is no route parameters, you may continue to use > http://site/MyCustomFile?ID=2 > and keep your code (e.g. $_GET[“ID”]) in the page.

but you wrote:

I created a custom file (included common file) named as test.php and putted the
following code inside it :

<?php echo $_GET['PatientID']; ?>

Then the output of your Custom File has header and footer and output patient ID only if the querystring of your URL includes ?PatientID=xxx. (Again, if you use Custom File, there is no route parameters.)In addition, the error is 404, which means your URL /test is incorrect. If you app has base path, it should be /myBasePath/test.To use Custom File or Route_Action depends on what you want to return. As explained:

> If you just need to return some result of an action (e.g. a value by > ExecuteScalar() > or a row by > ExecuteRow()> ), it is better and simpler to use > Route_Action > server event, then you can define your parameters in the route and get the value in your code by > $args["xxx"] > or > Route("xxx")> .

In such case you should use  Route_Action server event to create an action name "test" with parameter, see e.g.

$app->get('/test/{patientId}', function ($request, $response, array $args) {
$patientId = $args['patientId']; 
$myResult = ... your code to use the $patientId and get the result ...;
$response->getBody()->write($myResult); // Write to response body
return $response; // Return the response

Note: If you want to return JSON, read Returning JSON.Then you can access the action by URL like /myBasePath/test/1234 where 1234 is a patient ID.