I would like some advice for the deployment of the projects of the 2021 version.
For previous projects, I used to change just the default address in the “index.php” file in the classes directory and adapt it to my IP address listened by my Apache server. This always worked well.
But from 2021 the file structure changed a lot. Can someone give me the right procedure for a simple network deployment?
Thank you in advance!
- Note that v2021 uses routing and URL Rewrite is required, you may check the last post of https://discourse.hkvstore.com/t/migrating-to-v2022/655/1
- Before you upload the scripts to your production server, click Tools → Advanced Settings, change the Environment to “production”, generate again. The connection info is generated in the src\config.production.php.
I use Laragon as a development environment with a virtual host like myproject.test.
The url-rewrite is already enabled on my dev and prod environment.
What additional configuration do I need to do so that in production I don’t have pyproject.test anymore but rather prodserveripaddress/myproject/ …???