I’ve been using the detailed record count but I have 5 detailed tables and the queries are starting to take too long so the list view is taking a long time (20 seconds) to come up. If I turn this option off…it’s super fast again.
So, what I would like to do (because the users find those counts very valuable) is to calculate at night these values for each master record’s detailed records and store it. Then I would like to use these pre-calculated values (stored in fields) instead of running the COUNT queries. I’m pretty sure I know how to reference the values…but I don’t know what variables that I’m setting to properly display this (I’m using the option, drop down button).
How would I do that? If you could point me in the right direction…I’ll do the reading and work.
You may simply use “ListOptions_Load” server event in order to create a new custom column on the table in your List Page, and then use “ListOptions_Rendered” server event in order to assign the value based on your needs in that new costum column.
Please read “Server Events and Client Scripts” topic for more info and example.
I’m not looking to put the data in a column. I’d like for them to show up by the button like the detailed record count does now.
It has the name of the detailed form (like Notes) then has a number next to it saying 10 if there are 10 notes in the detail table. How do I update or make it show up there?
In the list page. I have the “Use button dropdowns for links” option. On the drop down, it has a button for each Detail. I have one for notes and one for documents.
I have the option “Detail record count” on. It shows the number of records by the detail button. It’ll say [Notes 12] with 12 indicating how many notes there are in the Detail records.
I want to display a field value in place of that record count that will appear on the button. I want to turn off the Detail record count option and use a pre-calculated field to display on the button next to the label so it will still look like [Notes 12] but the 12 will come from my field in the Master record and not from the query that runs when Detail record count is on.