I have a custom field with an expression of concat(“Don’t do ,” bad ", “thing”) and then I want to change the value the user see and for that I though of using row_rendering event to change the ViewValue. Following is my code:
// Row Rendering event
function Row_Rendering() {
// Enter your code here
if (CurrentPageID() == "list") {
$this->message->Value = "Bonjour Sagesse";
Bad still what is being display as value in the field message in the browser is Don’t do bad thing (the value set in expression). I even try to use Page_DataRendering all in vain.
// Page Data Rendering event
function Page_DataRendering(&$header) {
// Example:
//$header = "your header";
$this->linktoshare->CurrentValue = "Bonjour Sagesse";
How can I change the value that is sent to the user to see ?