Good morning,I have a table called ‘movimenti_vendite’ and in this table I have 2 columns called ‘Totpeso’ and ‘Imponibile’. These 2 columns have the aggregate function activated to be able to display the sum.
The sum in question allows me to display the sum of the values in the columns both if I don’t use the quick search filter and if I perform a quick search and in the latter case the sum corresponds to the sum of only the values visible after the quick search.Now I have a problem: I created a column called Mediat where I would like to display the result (even on each row is fine) of the following formula: Sum of Imponibile / Sum of Totpeso.I have used both the custom filed and the event servers but I can only display the result of the sum of all the rows and never only those remaining from the quick search. Is there a way to perform the division taking as a reference the sums of only the visible rows? I tried these 2 codes but they don’t work.Can anyone help me? I just need to know if there is a way to do what seems to be a simple division.Thanks again.
// Page Load event
function Page_Load()
// Controlla se la pagina è una lista
if ($this->PageID == "list" && !$this->isExport()) {
// Inizializza variabili per la somma
$totalImponibile = 0;
$totalTotpeso = 0;
// Recupera i record
$sql = $this->GetSQL($this->CurrentFilter, $this->getOrderBy());
$rs = $this->getConnection()->query($sql); // Usa query per eseguire la query
// Verifica se ci sono record
if ($rs && $rs->rowCount() > 0) {
while ($row = $rs->fetch()) { // Usa fetch per ottenere le righe
// Somma i valori di Imponibile e Totpeso
$totalImponibile += $row['Imponibile'];
$totalTotpeso += $row['Totpeso'];
// Chiudi il recordset
$rs = null; // Rilascia la connessione al recordset
// Calcola la media se Totpeso non è zero
if ($totalTotpeso != 0) {
$media = $totalImponibile / $totalTotpeso;
} else {
$media = 0; // Evita divisione per zero
// Imposta il valore nel campo Mediat
$this->Mediat->CurrentValue = $media; // Assicurati che Mediat sia il nome corretto del campo
or custom field expression:
(SELECT SUM(Imponibile))/(SELECT SUM(Totpeso))