PHPMaker 2019, Import DataI am getting the following error and can not find a solution
Invalid field name:I have tried to un-comment Page_Importing() and Row_Import() var_dumps and then use die(). The var_dump does not print out. Does that have something to do with the Modal?I have tried to set $options[“headers”] = [“a”, “b”,“c”, …]; and then upload a .csv file without headers. This only produced a new record in the table with no data.
I was able to get upload to work when I used a .xls file in lieu of a .cvs file.
Also, I had a field called user_id in my table. I had to remove that field from the spreadsheet. Is user_id a restricted field name?I could still use help on being able to see var_dump information.Thank you
Make sure that the headers matched the actual field names in the table.To debug import, press F12 → Network to see the response from the upload and import process.