Error When login

Hi all,

We installed the latest version 2025.4 and generated all file. When we tried to log into our system, there is an error:

…\src\AdvancedSecurity.php(780): No user level settings.

Do you have any ideas how to fix it?


It seems you are trying to login by using one of the registered users in your users table. If so, then make sure you have already defined the required permissions for the user level that is being used by that current user.

The user we tried to login with is an administrator (user level = -1). So this user should have all permissions for any pages.

The error means there is no user level permissions found in your project.

If you use Static User Levels, make sure you have generated and uploaded all scripts, especially the userlevelsettings.php.

If you use Dynamic User Levels, make sure your user level tables are properly setup, especially if you have different lettercase of the table names in your development and production environment.

Also enable Debug to check the log for any server side errors.

It works now. Thanks.

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