Hi everbodyIam using PHPMaker 2020I need to show all names from the table names
I ahve used the following code:<?php
$sql = ExecuteRow("SELECT Name FROM names");
while($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) {
echo $row['Name'];
?>but I recieved the following error:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function fetch_assoc() on boolean …Could somebody hlp please?
ExecuteRow() returns the array already, no need to fetch.
Thank youit gives me the first row only<?php $row = ExecuteRow("SELECT Name FROM names"); echo $row['Name']; ?>How could I show all rows ?Thanks
Hope the below helps:<?php
$rows = ExecuteRows("SELECT Name FROM names")
if(count($email_rows) > 0){
foreach($rows as $drow){
echo $drow["description"]
echo "No Names found";
Hi everybody
Could you help?
How could I update this code for PhPMaker2021 ?
<?php $rows = ExecuteRows("SELECT Name FROM names"); if(count($rows) > 0){ foreach($rows as $drow){ echo $drow["Name"] . ""; } } ?>
Thank you
hammadmohd wrote:
echo $drow[“Name”] . “
No change required. You may debug by, e.g.