Good day,
i have enabled the export option but when i generate file, no export button
Good day,
i have enabled the export option but when i generate file, no export button
If you use v2023 and use User Level Security, make sure you have assigned “Export” permission to the user level.
arbei wrote:
If you use v2023 and use User Level Security, make sure you have assigned “Export” permission to the user level.
thank you
how to fix this? C:\xampp\htdocs\project1\src\ExportHandler.php(349): Call to undefined method PHPMaker2023\project2009\ViewdateView::exportData()
iggabz wrote:
Call to undefined method PHPMaker2023\project2009\ViewdateView::exportData()
The error means that the View page of Viewdate table does not have the exportData() method, make sure you have enabled Export for View page.
sorry for this, i have looked on how to enable export for view page but was not able to find it.
can you point me to the right direction please.
Simply click on PHP tab of your PHPMaker v2023 project, and then go to Export section, and make sure you have already ticked the Enable in View Page option, after that, re-generate ALL the script files again.
mobhar wrote:
Simply click on > PHP > tab of your PHPMaker v2023 project, and then go to > Export > section, and make sure you have already ticked the > Enable in View Page > option, after that, re-generate ALL the script files again.
the exported excel file has no visible data but the data size is more than 100mb. anything to enable?
If you have a lot of records to export, check your php.ini:
Good day,i click on the export to excel from localhost/project1/ViewActiveList but the file is saved like this view_active_view_active.xls should be view_active.xls onlythis might be the reason i have no contents on the view_active_view_active.xls
The file name is incorrect. If you have server event to change the export file name, make sure your code is correct. If not, the URL for export might be wrong, you may Check HTTP Response and post the actual URL and payload of the request for export.
arbei wrote:
If not, the URL for export might be wrong, you may > Check HTTP Response > and post the actual URL and payload of the request for export.
Request URL:
attachment; filename=“view_active_view_active.xls”
application/ these right?
payload are only csrf_name: and csrf_value:
iggabz wrote:
Request URL: > > http://localhost/project1/api/export/excel/view_active
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=“view_active_view_active.xls”
The URL means you exported from the List page of the “view_active”, then file name should be “view_active.xls” by default, but the outputted file name is “view_active_view_active.xls”.If you have server event (i.e. Page_Exporting) to change the export file name ($doc->FileName), make sure you set the file name correctly.Also test with other Export type (i.e. All Pages / Current Page / Selected Record).
thank you