Export is not working

the export function in version 2023 is not working.
After exporting I am not getting any response.


As always, you may:

  1. Press F12 in your browser to check for JavaScript errors, and
  2. Check HTTP Response in your browser.

thanks for the hints.
I have done.
I am getting the following response:
Failed to load response data: No resource with given identifier found


mpol_ch wrote:

Failed to load response data: No resource with given identifier found >

What is the “given identifier”? You need to post complete info.Also read Migrating to v2023 → Export API:

If you use User Level Security, note that the Export permission is added. If you use Static User Levels, make sure you update your permissions in the project before generating scripts. If you use Dynamic User Levels, make sure you login as Adminitrator to the generated site after first generation and update the User Level permissions for each User Level.

Same issue for me also previously. But after login with Admin user, it is working perfectly

Have you already enabled Export permission from User Levels menu by logging in using admin user?I cannot reproduce the issue as you mentioned above.

I’ve just tried by using demo2023 on my localhost, enabled Export permission for Sales user level (login using admin user).

After that, I tried to login by using nancy user, and then tried Export to Excel, and it is working properly.