Failed to load PDF document (v2023)

I got the problem when I want to view the pdf file that attached to the field. this error occur Failed to load PDF document.

You need to provide more info:

  1. In which page the error occurred?
  2. View Tag settings of the field.
  3. Are you sure the PDF document can be loaded? Test with another .pdf.

error when I want to click field that content pdf uploaded fiele
view tag setting is tect

amsire2 wrote:

view tag setting is tect

Did you meant “TEXT”? If View Tag is “FORMATTED TEXT”, the file is displayed as PDF preview if you have enabled the advanced setting Embed PDF documents, or displayed as links if the advanced setting is disabled. Since you said you clicked the link, so I assume that the advanced setting is disabled and your PDF file itself has no problems.Now, did you meant you got error when you clicked the link? If so, you should press F12 in your browser, go the the Network panel to check HTTP response. Make sure you enable Debug first.

The pdf file failed to load in view page
The view tag is setting to image
Already try with another pdf file but still got problem

If it is the same field as your other topic, the answer is the same.You need to post sufficient information and steps to reproduce, including the following settings related to file upload and PDF:

  • View Tag settings of the field
  • The advanced settings “Embed PDF documents” and “Encrypt file path”
  • File upload to database (BLOB field) or to folder (text field)
  • If text field, single or multiple upload

If you have added third party extensions or JavaScripts, remove them all and test again, or you may create a clean new project to test again.You may also upgrade to v2024 and try again. If it still occurs and you are a registered user, you better send your project files to support.