I’m getting a new error on script generation, build fails.
Have cleared folder, regenerated, removed all tables, shut down but stills fails to generate.It seems this has happened since recent temple update\ASPNETMaker2024\Test\Models\aspnetfn.cs(4799,73): error CS0104: ‘File’ is an ambiguous reference between ‘ASPNETMaker2024.Entities.File’ and ‘System.IO.File’
the reason is “File” object has two references the first one is ‘ASPNETMaker2024.Entities.File’ and the scond one is ‘System.IO.File’ ratherfor, your app ambiguous to chose which one of them as refernce
so go to globale use driver and spacify which package that you want to use.global using GLOBALS =ASPNETMaker2024.Entities.File;