Filter on Dates

Hi,I am new with PHP Maker 2020, Could you help me in one issue.Search option is great but i need custom filer IN BETWEEN DATES.Table: MD
Column: Arrival_Date | Departure_Date | Visitor_NameI want to put filter on dates like i want data of Feb only from 1/2/2020 to 29/02/2020 or March Data only from 1/2/2020 to 31/03/2020
how can i do that?

Try “Recordset_Searching” server event. Please read “Server Events and Client Scripts” topic from PHPMaker Help menu for more info.

Hi,I tried to look for it but unable to fit it in my script. i also saw one of your post in “two filter in one ew_AddFilter (Recordset_Selecting)” i tried this two but getting error every time.
I just want search in between arrival date and departure date or in between months like from feb to apr data.

In the table field setup set the search parameter to USER_SELECT or
BETWEENThe user_select option will give the use more search options for the date field

neerajtan wrote:
ew_AddFilter (Recordset_Selecting)" i tried this two but getting error every time.There is no more ew_AddFilter in v2020. Please change it to AddFilter.