Filter on head of each columns like php report maker

Hi,is possible to implement the same filter of php report maker in phpmaker.The filter is on head of each column and is similar to “excel style popup” filter and is able to filter date, string, numbers.

I vote for this features also

I vote for this feature


Php Report Maker is highly advance and give user to quickly filter like excel via table header like for date we can have funnel icon and we can search between from and to values , quarterly etc
and it allow multi column filter

Current setup with phpmaker 2020 & 2021 both are lacking that useful funnel icon and multi column filter, it provide filter but not as easy and advance like we got on report maker.


I would like this kind of a feature, too. In Excel, it’s good to be able to click a column, and see a multi-select list of unique values, select the ones you want to edit, and apply the filter. (select distinct) It’s an easy way to find and clean up messy data.






Try Table Header Filter in v2022.