Form in Custom Page returns Invalid post request

Form in Custom Page returns Invalid post request
advanced tools has no token for form checkbox as far as I can see.

If you have enabled CSRF Protection, you need to add the token in your HTML form in Custom Files, read CSRF Protection.

On V2025 i had to update my custom file

$csrf = Csrf();

<input type="hidden" name="<?= $csrf->getTokenNameKey() ?>" value="<?= $csrf->getTokenName() ?>"><!-- CSRF token name -->
<input type="hidden" name="<?= $csrf->getTokenValueKey() ?>" value="<?= $csrf->getTokenValue() ?>"><!-- CSRF token value -->

If your Custom File use Include common files, there is no need to use $csrf = Csrf();. (This is another reason why you should use Include common files if you have HTML content in Custom Files and avoid the out-dated method of including required files yourself.)