Hello i am using the foloowing code to get the id value in a crosstab report, the problem is i dont want to show the id field on the report but i neet to get the value:
when i use this the field id it is show i try to hide using: but field appear $this->id->Visible = FALSE; // Hide a field named "MyField"is there any way toget this value in other way?thanks
I assume you are using Cell_Rendered or Row_Rendered server event. I don’t know how your {{{value id}}} works, I assume it is your own code and you handle it yourself. (Note that you have double quotes inside double quoted string.)
If “id” is Row Heading field, I don’t think you can hide by server side code in the crosstab report, hiding it will break the structure of the report because it is generated according to your selection of the row and column fields. However, you can always replace the ViewValue of the field with what you want to show instead of the actual value. If you have only one Row Heading field, you can also hide it by jQuery.
i was working several ways but i can only get id value if i show ID in Row Headings, but there my report show bad, in column heading i cant get the value, i don’t find a solution
also in Value do not work