Hello people, i am using this code to rename files in upload, but i need to get the ID rsnew value while inserting to put on the name of the file rename, all work fine but i cant reach to get the new id// Row Inserting event
function Row_Inserting($rsold, &$rsnew) {
$id = $this->clientid->CurrentValue;$rname = $this->cname->CurrentValue;
$docpath= $this->DocumentName-> CurrentValue;
$docpath1= $this->Monthofservice-> CurrentValue;
$docpath2= $this->Year-> CurrentValue;
$val = $rsnew[“id”]----------------------> NO WAY TO GET THIS
$rsnew[“File”] = " $val $rname $docpath1 $docpath2 " . " " . “$docpath” . “.pdf”;
return TRUE;
You can only get it after the row is inserted, i.e. in Row_Inserted event.