How to add spinner on integer field?

I have a Integer field and I want a spinner on the right of the textbox
where I can increase and decrease the value by clicking on the spinner up and down.
The spinner value should be from 1 to 30 only

You may create/use “Custom View Tag” and “Custom Edit Tag” for that. Please both section under “Field Setup” topic from PHPMaker Help menu for more info.

mobhar wrote:
You may create/use “Custom View Tag” and “Custom Edit
Tag” for that. Please both section under “Field Setup” topic
from PHPMaker Help menu for more info.I am unable to solve it till now. Can u please explain it in little more.

bui wrote:
Can u please explain it in little more.As mentioned, please read “Custom View Tag” and “Custom Edit Tag” sections under “Field Setup” of PHPMaker Help menu. There are some explanation and some example code that you can use for your references.