Hello guys,
How to consume web service in PHPMaker to integrate with another application?
Make sure your web server supports to access the web service.
For example, I am using Wampserver, then I can simply enable “php_soap” PHP extension from my web server side, and then I can simply expose the “SoapClient” object to consume the web service:
try {
$wsdl = "<the_url_to_your_wsdl>"; // adjust it to your WSDL URL
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl); // create a new SoapClient object
$response = $client->getSomething(array('ABC' => $rsnew["ABC"])); // adjust "getSomething" with your web service method, adjust also the param of it
// your code goes here to check the response output
// and so forth ...
} catch (Exception $e) { // catch the error below
$this->setFailureMessage("Failed to access the web service. <br>Error message: ".$e->getMessage());
Thank you, I’ll apply your suggestion.
mobhar wrote:
> > try {
$wsdl = “<the_url_to_your_wsdl>”; // adjust it to your WSDL URL
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl); // create a new SoapClient object
$response = $client->getSomething(array(‘ABC’ => $rsnew[“ABC”]));
} catch (Exception $e) { // catch the error below
$this->setFailureMessage("Failed to access the web service.
Error message: ".$e->getMessage());
Hi, where to put this code in Server Events ? in which Function?
It actually depends on your business-logic. For example, if you want to execute that code after a new record is inserted, then simply put it in Row_Inserted server event.
I want to check a record from database with a soap xml provided by other company. I think i am gonna make an additional button “Check this profile” (each row) in Table-Spesific>List Page>ListOptions_Rendered
But then i am still confused how is the syntax to do that? Thanks.
You’d better use Page_Load and Row_CustomAction for such case. Just call a Custom File that receives Get() param, and return your desired value from that web service.