how to debug a not-loading modal advanced search dialog window?

hi,my generated project works fine on my prod server, demo server and backup server.
i also create a backup2 server with same files, same data.i have a strange error only in one table (not the other ones) , the advanced modal window does not load anymore!there is always the rounded animation of loading but it never ends.
what can be the problem ? i tried to hit F12 debug and console message and i got that :

Uncaught TypeError: body is null
    jQuery 7

even when i delete all the data fro mthe table and concerned looked table, the advanced modal window dialog does not end loading !
what is happening ?
i tried differend browser and logout/relogin it stucks only in this table !
any idea of the problem and how to solve it ?Best regard

Do as follows:

  1. Backup your database,
  2. Remove the table that causes the problem,
  3. Synchronize your project with your database, make sure that table has been removed from your project,
  4. Save the project,
  5. Create again that table with the same schema as before,
  6. Re-synchronyze again your project with the database, and make sure that new table has been added
  7. Now try again to re-configure your settings for that new table,
  8. Re-generate ALL the script files again,
  9. Try again the generated web application from browser, and see whether this would help.

To debug, you may follow:

and i found !my new backup2 default website was in php8 whereas my original project was in php 7.3/7.4 !
when i create a new space on my server, my ISP put php8 by default now !! i did not see that coming!so now, i know old phpmaker2020 project are not compatible with php8.
once i changed my backup2 server config to php 7.4 instead of 8.0, the error desappear !my php error was :
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: mktime(): Argument #6 ($year) must be of type ?int, string given in /mywebsite…/ classes/mytable.php:1822

my line is 1822 is in the server event : function Row_Rendered()
my line 1822 :
1820: $week = $this->myfield1->CurrentValue;
1821: $year = substr($this->myfield2->CurrentValue, 0, 4);
1822: $timestamp = mktime( 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year ) + ( $week * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 );as there is no data in this table, that server event should not be executed. but php 8 make it run ! so a null value arrived in the date variable myfield2!

You should check the CurrentValue(s) before using them in your code.