how to double-click on a row to enter edit page?

hi,in list page, i’d like to doublic-clic on a row (a record) to go into the edit page mode on the right record (the row i click).
is there a way to perform such action ?i guess i need to add an event code somewhere but i don’t know where to start, maybe in the client side.
at least, shall you have an example to similar event ?

thank you for your time and eventualy the tips !

Have a good day

i tried to put this code in client script / list page / startup script :$(“.ew-table-alt-row”).dblclick(function() {
alert(‘you doublc-clic… go somewhere’);});but nothing appends when i double clic ! no alertbox

This should help:

mobhar wrote:
This should help: you. you solved it.right doubl-click event was there :’d just change the line
$(‘#tbl_shop_infolist tr’).dblclick(function() {
by my own with the table/view name pattern XXXXXXX
$(‘#tbl_XXXXXXXlist tr’).dblclick(function() {

Topic solved !