How to export to TXT?

How to export to TXT

I use PHPMaker 2020.0.12 Released

This code … I need to export it to Text

SELECT CONCAT(‘0000000000’,id,Swift_Codes,ACCOUNT_NO,’ ‘,‘00’,ID_NO,‘0000’,’ ‘,‘000000000’,total,FIRST_NAME,’ ‘,SECOND_NAME,’ ‘,THIRD_NAME,’ ',FAMILY_NAME)
FROM v_transfer_bonus_bank ORDER BY id

please help

Currently, there is no “Export to TXT” feature.

Is it possible to create code to do this export?

  1. Please always try it by yourself,
  2. Google “php export to text file” for your examples/references,
  3. Please read “Custom Files” topic from PHPMaker Help menu for how to create a Custom File in your PHPMaker project,
  4. Post your code for more discussion.