Starting v2025, I decided not to disable Include common files option in order to get data from database into a Custom File. This is important, since v2025, PHPMaker strict to recommend us to always enable that option in order to use some built-in global functions.
So, if you want to load data from database into a Custom File in v2025, you may try the following.
From demo2025 project, create a new Custom File, name it with test.php, and make sure you always enable Include common files option
Copy the following code into Content section of that Custom File:
echo "<h3>Custom File with Include common files option</h3>";
$sql = "SELECT `Model` FROM `models`"; // define your SQL
$stmt = ExecuteQuery($sql); // execute the query
$value = ""; // initial value
if ($stmt->rowCount() > 0) { // check condition: if record count is greater than 0
while ($row = $stmt->fetchAssociative()) { // loop
$value .= $row["Model"] . "<br>"; // in case the result returns more than one record, display it and separated by line break
} // end loop
echo "Here is the Models list: <br>" . $value; // display the result
} else { // if there are no result
echo "No record found."; // display the message
} // end of check condition
If you only login the user and do something without any HTML in response, you better use Route_Action server event.
Well, although it is strongly not recommended to disable Include common files option for Custom File if you want to get data from database into a Custom File, however, as matter of fact, PHPMaker v2025 has still the ability to allow us to disable that option, after I reading this following post: What is the equiv. of loading system libraries? - #7 by yaaryvp
So, if you want to obviously to disable that option (again, it is strongly not recommended), here is the code to get data from database into a Custom File with disabling the Include common files option for v2025:
namespace PHPMaker2025\demo2025;
use DI\ContainerBuilder;
// Autoload
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
// Require files
require_once "src/constants.php";
require_once "src/config.php";
require_once "src/phpfn.php";
require_once "src/userfn.php";
$containerBuilder = new ContainerBuilder();
// Add definitions
// Dispatch container build event
DispatchEvent(new ContainerBuildEvent($containerBuilder), ContainerBuildEvent::NAME);
// Build PHP-DI container instance
$container = $containerBuilder->build();
echo "<h3>Custom File without Include common files option</h3>";
$sql = "SELECT `Model` FROM `models`"; // define your SQL
$stmt = ExecuteQuery($sql); // execute the query
$value = ""; // initial value
if ($stmt->rowCount() > 0) { // check condition: if record count is greater than 0
while ($row = $stmt->fetchAssociative()) { // loop
$value .= $row["Model"] . "<br>"; // in case the result returns more than one record, display it and separated by line break
} // end loop
echo "Here is the Models list: <br>" . $value; // display the result
} else { // if there are no result
echo "No record found."; // display the message
} // end of check condition
If you want to get/extract the connection info from your Database_Connecting server event (if any), then you may simply put this following code into your Global Code server event:
AddListener(DatabaseConnectingEvent::NAME, function(DatabaseConnectingEvent $event) {
// $option = $event["my_option"]; // Get an option
global $CurrentPageID;
if ($CurrentPageID == "test.php")
and then make sure also you put this following code into your Custom File (without Include common function option enabled):
global $CurrentPageID;
$CurrentPageID = "test.php"; // assume your custom file name is "test.php"
before this line:
echo "<h3>Custom File without Include common files option</h3>";
I assume you are using Custom File with Include common files option disabled, and you want to save it into audittrail table in database.
If so, then you cannot use WriteAuditTrail global function, and this is one of another limitation if you disable Include common files option for the Custom File.
So, the solution is, you may simply use this following code in your Custom File:
You may check the output of the audit from the generated log folder (assume you setup log/ under PHP β General Options β Logging β Log files folder) of your web application.