How to NOT store search variables to session?

I have one question for which I’ve found no answer on the forums after thorough search, or if I found anything it dates back to 2011 and it’s(I assume) deprecated or the answers are not compatible for the newer versions.
Is there a way to NOT store search filter variables in the session? Let me give You an example: I have tickets table list page, with no filters, when I add filters and do my thing, leave the page and come back I would like for the search form to be reset, when I say search form I mean all search options: Quick, Extended, Advanced…I tried doing it on client side, but since the Maker works so it reloads the entire page, I cannot trigger the clear search button on page load…All I have found related to this is the ?cmd=reset/resetall but the dates were well, old…Is there a way to globally set the search form to empty on page load and not create issues when actual filtering happens, or to clear SessionSearchWhere variable…
It’s strange that this option is not already created or modified for the user to choose - Save or Don’t save the filters.Kind Regards,

?cmd=reset will reset the search. If you want to clear the session at page load, use:SessionWhere = “”;

SessionWhere would be nice but won’t that reset the search on each page_load event? I ask this because when submitting the search form the page reloads, so won’t that clear the search even if I wan’t to search?
also where do I add the ?cmd=reset to the url, keeping in mind that it’s not only during the redirect, because what I am trying to achieve is that every time I access a list page I want the search to be reset, so I guess I need to add the ?cmd=reset parameter to a static variable in the maker which contains the list page url, but I don’t know where that is.Thanks,

Just tested the SessionWhere = “”; by placing it into Page_Load() event of the list, and it’s not working, still remembers the filters…

It seems to me that there is no current way of not saving the search session in all…and for it to look normal, I changed SessionWhere with SessionSearchWhere and it worked but what it did is it showed all the records but kept the filters in the search inputs…I hope someone will shine a light on this awkward thing called session search and why does it even exist, and how to stop it!

I have tickets table list page, with no filters, when I add filters and do my thing, leave the page and come back I would like for the search form to be resetThe best solution is to add the “?cmd=reset” (e.g. in the menu) when your return to the page.

Thanks, You put me in the right direction, I iterated over navbar elements and on window load manipulated the href values and now it works, thanks a lot for the patience :slight_smile: