Hello,I have a need where I have to show a list of members and allow a user to select members and type a message in a box, which will be sent either as Email or SMS or Push notification depending on what the user selects.Is there any way by which we can do this?Is there any way by which we can build a custom view as described above?TIA
To send Email notification, then you may simply use “Email_Sending” server event.Please read “Server Events and Client Scripts” topic from PHPMaker Help menu for more info and examples.
Thanks for the tip.But hare already gone through the help.After reading it and trying to understand it I have come to the conclusion that it would not be possible by using just server events.The biggest challange is to show List of Members and also show a set of fields in which user can type the message and then Submit to send either Email or SMS or Push Notification.TIA
Has anyone got an answer for this?I would really like to be able to run a search of records; select those I want to email; select the email body; and then send the emails.
YogiYang wrote:
Hello,I have a need where I have to show a list of members and allow a user to
select members and type a message in a box, which will be sent either as
Email or SMS or Push notification depending on what the user selects.Is there any way by which we can do this?Is there any way by which we can build a custom view as described above?TIAI think what you are talking about is a mass email/sms form.
As @mobhar said, you can send the emails using the email sending event.An example is to create the table for storing the message and recipients you have selected. (id,user,message)
After this, all you need to do is:
- Create a function to fetch the recipient emails e.g Get_recipient_email($args[“rsnew”][“user”]
- Fetch the message e.g using a function Get_Message($param) or rather $args[“rsnew”][“message”];
- Send the message. (Follow Example in Help file)
As for SMS/Push Notification, that is highly dependent on your provider.
look at twilio. we use it t osend sms messages from withing the phpmaker code