Integrating Third Party Tools

Has anyone gotten dhtmlxScheduler_v5.1.6 to load in a phpmaker customer generated form?I’m able to get it to display but, have to remove the <?php include_once "header.php" ?> line.
if you leave it, the module does not load, just a blank page…can you provide the syntax if you’ve gotten it to work withing the framework
here’s the calendar code if your interested:

html, body{ margin:0px; padding:0px; height:100%; overflow:hidden; } function init() {
    scheduler.config.xml_date="%Y-%m-%d %H:%i";
    scheduler.config.prevent_cache = true;
        {name:"description", height:130, map_to:"text", type:"textarea" , focus:true},
        {name:"location", height:43, type:"textarea", map_to:"details" },
        {name:"time", height:72, type:"time", map_to:"auto"}
    ];"%l %M %d, %Y %h:%i %A");         

    scheduler.config.xml_date="%Y-%m-%d %h:%i";
    scheduler.config.hour_date="%h:%i %A";
    scheduler.config.prevent_cache = true;
    scheduler.config.multi_day = true;
    scheduler.config.occurrence_timestamp_in_utc = true;

    scheduler.config.include_end_by = true;
    scheduler.config.repeat_precise = true;
    scheduler.config.first_hour = 6;
    scheduler.config.limit_time_select = true;

    scheduler.config.event_duration = 60; //specify event duration in munites for auto end time
    scheduler.config.auto_end_date = true;    
    scheduler.config.agenda_start =;
    scheduler.config.agenda_end =;
    scheduler.init('scheduler_here',new Date(),"month");
    var dp = new dataProcessor("/library/dhtmlScheduler/events.php");

    scheduler.templates.event_class=function(start, end, event){
        var css = "";

        if(event.rec_type) // if event has subject property then special class should be assigned
            css += "event_" + event.rec_type;

        if( == scheduler.getState().select_id)
            css += " selected";

                Note that it is possible to create more complex checks
                events with the same properties could have different CSS classes depending on the current view:

                var mode = scheduler.getState().mode;
                if(mode == "day"){
                    // custom logic here
                else {
                    // custom logic here
        return css; // default return                

    scheduler.attachEvent("onBeforeDrag",function (event_id) {
        //  return this.getEvent(event_id).readonly;    
        return true;

    scheduler.attachEvent("onClick", function (event_id)  {
        //  return this.getEvent(event_id).readonly;    
        return true;

    scheduler.attachEvent("onBeforeLightbox", function (event_id){
        return true;

    scheduler.attachEvent("onEventCancel", function(event_id, is_new_event){
        //  Called after pressing cancel button in Details form
        return true;

    scheduler.attachEvent("onEventCreated", function(event_id, event_object){
        return true;
    scheduler.attachEvent("onEventAdded", function(event_id, event_object){
        return true;
    scheduler.attachEvent("onBeforeEventChanged", function(event_object, native_event, is_new){                                                                                
        return true;
    scheduler.attachEvent("onEventChanged", function(event_id, event_object){
        return true;
    scheduler.attachEvent("onEventDeleted", function(event_id,event_object){ 
        return true;
    scheduler.attachEvent("onBeforeEventDelete", function(event_id){                              
        return true;
    scheduler.attachEvent("onDblClick", function (event_id, native_event_object){
        return true;
    scheduler.attachEvent("onEventSave",function(id, data, is_new_event){                               
        return true;


Try to play with the global variable $SkipHeaderFooter. Assign it to TRUE in order to skip the usage of header and footer.

hi,how do you integrate the feature dhtmlxScheduler into phpmaker 2020 ? is it in the licensed release ? is is an add-on module ? i looked at the demo version and can’t see any schedule screen, only simple datatime calendar field.what is the structure of the sql tables required to make it work ? i guess something with event base fields.
Does this “addon” offer the possibility to have a ical/gmail shared calendar of the data ?Thank you for your time to reply and read my words.Best regards

You need to load your .js and .css by loadjs() and then init, see the example in the topic Server Events and Client Scripts > Global → All Pages > Page_Head > Example 4 in the help file, e.g.loadjs.ready(“head”, function() {
loadjs([“my/path/xxx.css”, “my/path/xxx.js”], init);
});See loadjs() documentation also: