Language file

how can i translate english language file easily and fast?
do you have any suggestions?

  1. You may start from a language file of previous version from User Submitted Tips forum, just add the new changes.
  2. Also read Making Language Files.

I have been using PHPMaker since version 2019 and I have always updated the language file as you suggest, I was wondering if there was a faster and less expensive method than converting the language xml file line by line. Maybe a tool that takes the translated xml file 2024 and compares it with the original 2025 already translates the 2024 lines in the new file and highlights only the 2025 lines to be translated.


You can use gpt or other ia

Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll try.
Alternatively I’ll try to make a dedicated tool to convert this language file.

I think I managed to translate the language file into Italian and I would like to share it on the forum.

I posted the content of the xml file here.