Modal Dialog Problem

Hello i am using the following code in my list page to open the edit page of my table$ this->Provider->View Value = “< a title=‘Workflow Edit’ hr ef=‘java script:void(0);’ oncli ck='ew_Modal Dialog Show({l nk:this,u rl:"employescontractosedit.php?id=” . $id . “",caption:"View Page"});'></s pan> Refresh here”;the problem is when i click on the link nothing happens, the dialog do not showany idea?thanks

// $OBJECT = “<a class="ew-row-link ew-view" title="” . $viewcaption . “" data-table="SOME_TABLE" data-caption="” . $viewcaption . “" h-ref="java-script:void(0);" on-click="ew.modalDialogShow({lnk:this,url:'” . HtmlEncode($this->ViewUrl) . “',btn:null});">” . $Language->phrase(“ViewLink”) . “”;

show me errors

Notice: Undefined variable

using my code firefox show

ew_ModalDialogShow is not define

what version of phpmaker

that’s not what was posted.look at the code that was posted. ew.modalDialogShow(

yes i try too … but i found this and work$this->Fulltime->ViewValue=“”;

i am using version 2020