Modal Popup Link


So after migrating from 2017 to 2020 most things are working(for the best part)

I used to have this as a row rendered event on this page duration_eventslist.php

$this->user_ID->ViewValue = “<a href="#" onclick="ModalDialogShow({lnk:this,url:'contributorview.php?showdetail=&user_ID=”. $this->user_ID->CurrentValue.“'});">” . $this->user_ID->ViewValue . “”;

So on this page duration_eventslist.php the Contributor is indeed a Hyperlink but when click it nothing happens, previously it would bring up the contributorview as a popup

Help really appreciated


You need to update your JavaScript function name, see:


Not sure if anyone can help, I followed the link provided but could not find any reference to update the JavaScript function name.

Any suggestions really appreciated

John B

From Webmaster wrote:

If you are an existing PHPMaker user, before upgrading to v2019, please read “Migrating to v2019” first:
which says:
PHPMaker JavaScript is now under the ew namespace. The EW_ and ew_ prefixes are therefore changed to ew., e.g. EW_LANGUAGE_ID becomes ew.LANGUAGE_ID.
Method name are changed to the more common camel case, e.g. ew_SetSessionTimer() becomes ew.setSessionTimer(). If your client side code calls any PHPMaker functions, you must update them.