playing with this code for the next previous buttons:
// lastPageSubmit: true, // Enable submit button for the last page only
// hideDisabledButton: true, // Hide disabled submit button
// hideInactivePages: true, // Hide inactive pages
// hideTabs: true, // Hide all tabs
// showPagerBottom: true, // Show pager at bottom
// pagerTemplate: '<nav><ul class="pager"><li class="previous ew-prev"><a href="#"><span class="icon-prev"></span> {Prev}</a></li><li class="next ew-next"><a href="#">{Next} <span class="icon-next"></span></a></li></ul></nav>', // Pager template
lockTabs: true, // Set inactive tabs as disabled
showPagerTop: true // Show pager at top
is there any way to specify which tabs to use?, there are some hidden tabs that it scrolls through as well, for example would like to only scroll 1,2,3,7 (there are 7 tabs total)
tried the pageIndexes[] and pages attributes, not sure if i’m setting correctly
I have something similar, the tabs hidden on load. i added the classes as noted, not too much difference exceept for one of the “hidden” tabs had a field that was active, this was removed. there are now 3 “blank” clicks to move the the last page. [view view view click, click, click, view]
not sure if we did it correctly…
this is the code in the register form client script
loadjs.ready("head", function () {
// Client script
// original entries to hide tabs
$("li.nav-item > button.nav-link[data-bs-
$("li.nav-item > button.nav-link[data-bs-target='#tab_tbl_sys_membership4']").hide();
$("li.nav-item > button.nav-link[data-bs-target='#tab_tbl_sys_membership5']").hide();
$("li.nav-item > button.nav-link[data-bs-target='#tab_tbl_sys_membership6']").hide();
// code to try to get next/prev to move between active tabs 1,2,3,7 (4,5,6 are hidden and should be skipped, next/prev buttons advance through all regardless of hidden/disabled)
hideInactivePages: false, // Hide inactive pages
hideTabs: false, // Hide all tabs
lockTabs: false, // Set inactive tabs as disabled
showPagerTop: true, // Show pager at top
showPagerBottom: true // Show pager at bottom