multiple upload files disappear on update return false

I’m using phpmaker 2019:I have this code in Row_Updating

if(CurrentUserLevel() == '1' || CurrentUserLevel() == '-1') {
	if(!empty($rsnew["ue_correspondencia_in_archivos"])) {
		return TRUE;
	} else {
		$this->setFailureMessage("No se ha seleccionado el o los nuevos archivos PDF");
		return FALSE;
} else {
	return TRUE;

When it returns false the uploaded files dissapear from the edit page, it onlu show the select file button and the submit button disables, I want to know how to show the files when the page returns false or a way to compare databse field value with fields added in form, the purpose of these is to prevent keeping the same files on edit.thanks in advance.

There is probably no simple way to restore upload files on update cancel.

Maybe I wasn’t clear enough, this is what I have at this moment on Form_CustomValidate event (client side):

I WANT TO BE ABLE TO COMPARE $getdata with $getfile, I get the same result on both fields.

        $getdata = $ue_correspondencia_in->ue_correspondencia_in_archivos->Upload->FileName;	<----- I WANT TO GET A SINGLE OR MULTIPLE FILES NAMES BASED ON WHAT I HAD CHOSEN ON FORM FIELD	
	$getfile = ExecuteScalar("SELECT ue_correspondencia_in_archivos FROM ue_correspondencia_in WHERE ue_correspondencia_in_ID = '". $_GET["ue_correspondencia_in_ID"] ."'"); 

		var frmdata = <?php echo json_encode($getdata); ?>;
		var dbdata = <?php echo json_encode($getfile); ?>;
				var m2=document.getElementById('x_ue_correspondencia_in_archivos').value;
					if (dbdata == frmdata )	{
						alert("Suba el documento correspondiente a este folio | formulario: "+frmdata+" db: "+dbdata);
						return false;
					} else  {
                                                   return true