Hallo,Try to convert my projects to version 2021.
Have carefully read help file from PHPMaker 2021.
I see that regarding Option Template nothing has changed compared to version 2019Still I am not able to see the same result of “Option Template” as in version 2019.
After filling in cardnumber you will see the fields of cardnumber, name, club etc (Option Template) under input field cardnumber.
This is interesting as one sees when card number corresponds to name and club.
This works in phpmaker 2019 but in version 2021 I only see so nothing.Option Template
{{:lf}} <class=“text-muted”>[{{:df2}}] <class=“text-muted”>[{{:df4}}] <class=“text-muted”>[{{:df3}}]
function Page_Load() {
$this->LIDKAART1T->DisplayValueSeparator= []; // This ensures that only the first DisplayField being LIDKAART1X will appear in field LIDKAART1T (for example).
$this->LIDKAART1U->DisplayValueSeparator=[]; // under field LIDKAART1T you will see fields of option template, click on this if this number is correct, then these
$this->LIDKAART2T->DisplayValueSeparator=[]; // fields will be filled in, thanks to Autofill
I also notice that Custom Template is a lot longer in version 2021, something has changed.
<th>Lidknr.</th><th>Kenm.</th><th>Namen thuisploeg {{{AFD}}}</th><th>Lidknr.</th><th>Kenm.</th><th>Namen bezoekers{{{WED}}}</th><th>Thuisploeg{{{PLOEGT}}}</th><th>Bezoekers{{{PLOEGU}}}</th><th>  Nationaal</th>
Does this have to do with outdated html elements, why no problems in version 2019.