PDF export in Master/detail with server events

Hi all

I am trying to customize the export of pdf but the export is stuck at the loading and there are some console js errors.
Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute ‘createObjectURL’ on ‘URL’: Overload resolution failed.this is my code for master table view:

function Page_Exporting()

  if ($this->Export == "pdf") {
        $this->ExportDoc->Text = "<p>My Title</p>"; // Add a title
        return false; // Return false to skip default export and use Row_Export event
   return true; // Return true to use default export and skip Row_Export event

function Row_Export($rs)
 if ($this->Export == "pdf") {
        $this->ExportDoc->Text .= "<div>" . $this->JID->ViewValue . "</div>"; 

on the detail table /list:

function Page_Exporting()

  if ($this->Export == "pdf") {
        $this->ExportDoc->Text = "<p>My Title</p>"; // Add a title
        return false; // Return false to skip default export and use Row_Export event
   return true; // Return true to use default export and skip Row_Export event

function Row_Export($rs)
 if ($this->Export == "pdf") {
        $this->ExportDoc->Text .= "<div>" . $this->SID->ViewValue . "</div>"; 

can you guys know what am doing wrong? i suspect the problem is for the detail table and not sure how to do that part

Please enable debug and also check HTTP response to see the error in more details.

Thanks for the explanation , i do get this error for the detail table :Quotationslines.php(2240): Call to undefined method \Quotationslines::rowExport()
the code:
// Call Row Export server event
if ($doc->ExportCustom) {
}if i do export the detail table alone , there is no error , but if i do export from master/detail this happens.

The code for the Row_Export server event must be placed under Code → Server Events → Table-Specific → List/View Page → Row_Export. Do not put it elsewhere or PHPMaker does not know such event exists and cannot convert the method name from “Row_Export” to “rowExport”.

That is what i did , according to the documentation , first i return false in page_exporting and then put my code under row_export

function Page_Exporting()

  if ($this->Export == "pdf") {
        $this->ExportDoc->Text = "<p>My Title</p>"; // Add a title
        return false; // Return false to skip default export and use Row_Export event
   return true; // Return true to use default export and skip Row_Export event


function Row_Export($rs)
 if ($this->Export == "pdf") {
        $this->ExportDoc->Text .= "<div>" . $this->SID->ViewValue . "</div>"; 

Make sure the code you posted above are placed in two separate events - Page_Exporting and Row_Export, not under Row_Export together.