Hi. I upload my project to the hosting with postgres as database. Can stablish conection. This is the log[18-May-2017 00:06:30 GMT] PHP Warning: pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host “”, user “datamizo_admin”, database “datamizo_pruebas”, SSL off in /home/datamizo/public_html/dos/adodb5/drivers/adodb-postgres64.inc.php on line 692I know the first part is a postgres configuration problem, related with remote conection. But my question is about the second part:
SSL off in /home/datamizo/public_html/dos/adodb5/drivers/adodb-postgres64.inc.php on line 692If is necesary, whats the way to config SSL mode on, in my ewconfig?Thanks in advance…
I have the same issue, I need to connect to Postgres with SSL enabled. Assistance would be most appreciated.
You may try to use the Database_Connecting server event (see the topic Server Events and Client Scripts in the help file) to add the SSL information after “host”, e.g.
$info[“host”] .= " sslmode=xxx …"; // Note the leading space
Thank you for the suggestion, would this allow for the DB connection within phpmaker application to also use SSL for it’s connection?
No, that is PHP code to be run by your web server and PHP.